Rong-Hao Liang

ACM UIST 2016: ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium

EdgeVib: Effective Alphanumeric Output Using a Wrist-Worn Tactile Display

Yi-Chi Liao, Yi-Ling Chen, Jo-Yu Jo, Rong-Hao Liang, Liwei Chan, Bing-Yu Chen

National Taiwan University, Keio University

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This paper presents EdgeVib, a system of spatiotemporal vibration patterns for delivering alphanumeric characters on wrist-worn vibrotactile displays. We first investigated spatiotemporal pattern delivery through a watch-back tactile display by performing a series of user studies. The results reveal that employing a 2×2 vibrotactile array is more effective than employing a 3×3 one, because the lower-resolution array creates clearer tactile sensations in less time consumption. We then deployed EdgeWrite patterns on a 2×2 vibrotactile array to determine any difficulties of delivering alphanumerical characters, and then modified the unistroke patterns into multistroke EdgeVib ones on the basis of the findings. The results of a 24-participant user study reveal that the recognition rates of the modified multistroke patterns were significantly higher than the original unistroke ones in both alphabet (85.9% vs. 70.7%) and digits (88.6% vs. 78.5%) delivery, and a further study indicated that the techniques can be generalized to deliver two-character compound messages with recognition rates higher than 83.3%. The guidelines derived from our study can be used for designing watch-back tactile displays for alphanumeric character output.


alphanumerical character output, wrist-worn tactile display, spatiotemporal vibrotactile pattern

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Yi-Chi Liao, Yi-Ling Chen, Jo-Yu Lo, Rong-Hao Liang, Liwei Chan, and Bing-Yu Chen. 2016. EdgeVib: Effective Alphanumeric Character Output Using a Wrist-Worn Tactile Display. In <i>Proceedings of the 29th Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology</i> (<i>UIST '16</i>). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 595–601. DOI:

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author = {Liao, Yi-Chi and Chen, Yi-Ling and Lo, Jo-Yu and Liang, Rong-Hao and Chan, Liwei and Chen, Bing-Yu},
title = {EdgeVib: Effective Alphanumeric Character Output Using a Wrist-Worn Tactile Display},
year = {2016},
isbn = {9781450341899},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/2984511.2984522},
abstract = {This paper presents EdgeVib, a system of spatiotemporal vibration patterns for delivering alphanumeric characters on wrist-worn vibrotactile displays. We first investigated spatiotemporal pattern delivery through a watch-back tactile display by performing a series of user studies. The results reveal that employing a 2\texttimes{}2 vibrotactile array is more effective than employing a 3\texttimes{}3 one, because the lower-resolution array creates clearer tactile sensations in less time consumption. We then deployed EdgeWrite patterns on a 2\texttimes{}2 vibrotactile array to determine any difficulties of delivering alphanumerical characters, and then modified the unistroke patterns into multistroke EdgeVib ones on the basis of the findings. The results of a 24-participant user study reveal that the recognition rates of the modified multistroke patterns were significantly higher than the original unistroke ones in both alphabet (85.9% vs. 70.7%) and digits (88.6% vs. 78.5%) delivery, and a further study indicated that the techniques can be generalized to deliver two-character compound messages with recognition rates higher than 83.3%. The guidelines derived from our study can be used for designing watch-back tactile displays for alphanumeric character output.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 29th Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology},
pages = {595–601},
numpages = {7},
keywords = {alphanumerical character output, wrist-worn tactile display, spatiotemporal vibrotactile pattern},
location = {Tokyo, Japan},
series = {UIST '16}